I’ll take it!

He’s spending his afternoon reading Captured Heart. Looks good on him, don’t ya think? Have you one-clicked? Links in comments 💋

Captured Heart is live on Amazon and BN! So excited to share Emma and Jack with you as well as the citizens of Garrett’s Point. This is book one of a four-part series. Hope you love them as much as I do.

Amazon:: http://www.amazon.com/Captured-Heart-Garretts-Point-Novel-ebook/dp/B00JL4FYKM/
Amazon UK:: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Captured-Heart-Garretts-Point-Novel-ebook/dp/B00JL4FYKM/
Amazon AU:: http://www.amazon.com.au/Captured-Heart-Garretts-Point-Novel-ebook/dp/B00JL4FYKM/
Amazon CA:: http://www.amazon.ca/Captured-Heart-Garretts-Point-Novel-ebook/dp/B00JL4FYKM/r
Barnes & Noble:: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/captured-heart-savanna-grey/1119134830?ean=2940149286447

Captured Heart Blog Tour Begins

We are blog hopping! I love and appreciate our bloggers. They are the pulse that keeps information flowing for indie authors like me. I am so thankful for their endless support and voice. Here are the blogs to drop in on today for the Captured Heart Tour. Say hello from the “Grey Teamers” and thank them for all they do to share what’s hot and new every day to keep your one-click finger busy!

Thank You to Reading Past My Bedtime, Rose and Beps Blog, and Halos and Horns Book Blog for being part of the Captured Heart Blog Tour today. Muah!


Blurred Lines

Recently my own reality crossed over into my imaginary world with a resounding crash. The April 12th release of Captured Heart is approached with very mixed emotions. Friendship, love, loss and life are all celebrated in the first book in the Garrett’s Point series. I wanted to share with you my dedication for this book. #CapturedHeart #BlurredLines
Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; And common sufferings
are far stronger links than common joys. – Alphonse de Lamartine

Note from the author:
I look forward to sharing the citizens of Garrett’s Point with you. As the town and the stories blended, I grew to love each and every one of them for different reasons. Small town communities hold a special place in my heart. The sense of community and support still thrives there and is not lost in a world that is so very fast-paced.
The week I was completing edits for Captured Heart, I received a phone call informing me my 27-year-old sister had been killed by a drunk driver in an automobile accident, leaving behind three small children. This news turned me upside down for days inside and not for reasons you would imagine.
We were not close, you see, and now never would be. This brought me sadness for the person I would never really get to know, but the stranger thing was that this story could have been hers. When you read it, you will see what I mean. It took on a different meaning than just sharing Garrett’s Point with you.
So, I dedicate this story to my sister, Tessa Butler – a wife, a mother, a sister, and a daughter whom will be missed.
Much love to my readers and bloggers and special thanks to Chrissy Fletcher of Reading Past My Bedtime Book Blog for her always present assistance and support.